I am happy to announce that the CNRS has accepted to support our GDR or-nano for the next five years !!! Please follow us on :
Recent/next events:
TheGECat is a thematic group of the DivCat (Catalyst Division of the Chemical Society of France). It organizes annual thematic meetings with the aim of uniting the French-speaking catalysts community, promoting exchanges between researchers, and encouraging the integration of young researchers.
Recent/next events:
NanOperando network
The GDR NanOperando was supported by the CNRS from 2018 until 2022.
See the website in the following link: GDR NanOperando
Recent/next events:
* Faraday Discussion (21-23 September 2022) London. “Reversed segregation in Au-Cu nanoparticles upon atmospheric pressure hydrogen exposure: how is CFC symmetry maintained?“ (Oral presentation - invited contribution).
* International conference -Non-Equilibrium and Environmental effects on Nanoalloys (15-17 December 2022) Paris. “Modeling the effect of reactive gas on alloy catalysts: from single-atoms to nanoparticles“ (Invited talk).
* 6th International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering (22-24 February 2022) San Francisco, “First Atomic Scale Evidence of Size-Dependent Structural Transition of Hydrogenated Gold NPs: Toward a Realistic Picture of Reactive Surface” (Invited talk).
* French Conference on Catalysis (June 2022), Ronce-Les-Bains. “First Atomic Scale Evidence of Size-Dependent Structural Transition of Hydrogenated Gold NPs: Toward a Realistic Picture of Reactive Surface” (Oral presentation).
* French Conference on Catalysis (June 2022), Ronce-Les-Bains. “Predicting the Stability of Single-Atom Alloy Catalysts Under Hydrogen Reactive Media” (Poster presentation).
* 11ème Conférence or-nano (9-11 march 2022), Lyon. “Size-Dependent Structural Transition of Hydrogenated Gold Nanoparticles: Toward a realistic picture of reactive surface” (Oral presentation given by Q. WANG (Ph.D. student)).
*Cluster Meeting 2021 (18-23 Juillet 2021) Prague, "Modeling the effect of reactive gas on alloy catalysts from single-atom sites to nanoparticles of thousands of atoms" (Keynote).
* French Conference on Catalysis (June 2019) Frejus. "Reshaping dynamics of gold nanoparticles under H2 and O2 at atmospheric pressure". (Oral presentation)
* 1ères Rencontres Prospectives du Réseau Français de Chimie Théorique (11-13 juin 2019) Nante. “Modélisation multi-échelle en catalyse hétérogène : état de l'art et verrous.”(Invited talk)
* 7ème CFWTC: Chinese-French Workshop in Theoretical Chemistry (13-17 Mai 2019) Toulouse. “Reshaping dynamics and atomic ordering changes in metallic and alloy nanoparticles under reactive gas: theoretical multiscale methods.” (Invited talk)
* 1er Colloque du GDR NanOperando (November, 2018) Lyon, "Theoretical Description of Au-Pd and Au-Cu Nanoalloys Under Reactive Media". (Oral presentation)
* Sixth European Conference on Crystal Growth (September, 2018) Bulgaria, "Characterization of Pt(Cu)TiO2 nano-catalyst for methanol oxidation". (Oral presentation given by N. Dimitrova (Ph.D. student, visitor)
* International conference Gold2018 (Juilly 2018) Paris, "Theoretical Description of Nanocatalysts Under Reactive Media".(Oral presentation)
* SCF18 (Juillet 2018) Montpellier, "Toward an Accurate Theoretical Description of Gold-based Nanocatalysts Under Reactive Media".(Oral presentation)
* International meeting on Nanoalloys (May 2018 )Orleans, "Multiscale Structure Reconstruction (MSR) Model for Predicting the Shape Evolution of Metallic Nanoparticles under Reaction Conditions: from Monometallic to Nanoalloy" (Oral presentation given by J. Meng, Ph.D. student)
* Journée Méditerranéenne des Jeunes Chimistes, (October 2017) Montpellier. "Chemical order and reactivity of AuPd(100) alloy surface: from vacuum to reaction conditions" (Oral presentation given by M. Oguz(Ph.D student))
* International Conference on Small Science (May 2017) San Sebastian. “Modeling of bimetallic nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis: the effect of reactive gas.” (Invited talk)
* International Conference on Nanomaterials and Applications (April 2017) Hammamet. “Density Functional Theory modeling of bimetallic nanoparticles: a focus on the effect of reactive media.”(Keynote)
* 15èmes Journées de la Matières Condensée (aout 2016) Bordeaux. “Density Functional Theory study of Au-Cu alloy surfaces in presence of adsorbed gas: CO, NO and O2“ (Oral presentation given by M. Dhifallah (Ph.D student) how obtained the Youth Fellowship of the SFP-Aquitaine for her participation to the JMC15)
* Frensh Conference on Catalysis (May 2016) Frejus. “Promoting effect of metal dopants in palladium nanoparticles on the selective hydrogenation of acetylene: a DFT study" (Oral presentation given by O. Gantassi, (Ph.D. student))
* Ecole thématique Or-Nano: De l'electron à la cellule (Juin 2016) Cap d'Agde. “Modélisation des nanoparticules de Palladium : Effet de la taille et du support" (Poster presented by O. Gantassi, (Ph.D. student))
* Ecole thématique Or-Nano: De l'electron à la cellule (Juin 2016) Cap d'Agde. “Etude DFT des surfaces d’alliages Au-Cu : effet de l’adsorption de petites molécules de gaz CO, NO et O2" (Poster presented by M. Dhifallah, (Ph.D. student))
* Journée Grand Sud Ouest (GSO). “Density Functional Study of Pd13 Magnetic Isomers in Gas-Phase and on (100)-TiO2 Anatase" (Poster presented by O. Gantassi (Ph.D. student))
* Journée Grand Sud Ouest (GSO). “Theoretical investigation of adsorption-induced segregation in gold-copper alloy surfaces" (Poster presented by M. Dhifallah (Ph.D. student))
* 7th International Gold Conference (July 2015) Cardiff, United Kingdom. “ CO adsorption-induced Surface segregation and formation of Pd chains on AuPd(100) alloy: DFT-based Ising model and Monte Carlo Simulations (Poster presentation)
* Réunion finale du GDR nanoalliages et hybrides à base de métaux (mai 2015) Porquerolles, France. “Finite Size Effect in Chemical Bonding of diluted Pd in gold nanoparticles” (Poster presentation)
* Ecole thématique « Modélisation des matériaux » (juillet 2015) Istres, France.
* Journées Surfaces et Interfaces - (Janvier 2015) Toulouse France. “Modélisation de la ségrégation induite par l'adsorption de gaz: Cas de l'alliage Au(Pd) en présence de CO” (Invited talk)
* International Conference and Exhibition - Smart Materials & Surfaces - (August 2014) Bangkok, Thailand. “DFT-based Ising model for the simulation of Au-Pd structure under reaction conditions” (Oral presentation)
* 1ère demi-journée "SCF d’Avenir" (juillet 2014) Institut Charles Gerhardt, Montpellier. “Combler le gap de structure et de pression en catalyse hétérogène” (Oral presentation)
* Tailor 2014 workshop (April 2014) Saint-paul de Vence, Nice. “DFT-based Ising model for the simulation of Au-Pd structure under reaction conditions” (Poster presentation)
* MP0903 - COST action final conference (April 2014) Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy. “DFT-based Ising model for the simulation of Au-Pd alloy structure under reaction conditions” (Poster presentation)
* 3èmes journées annuelles de l’Association française de l’adsorption - AFA (Février 2014) Paris. “Surface structure of Au-Pd nanoparticles under reaction conditions” (Oral presentation)